To install any paid android apps for free with out using play store. Just follow my steps.
First u can select from our website which game or app u want to download.
Then download the that game or app apk file.
Now u can download the obb file of that game from that given link.
After download u can extract the file in the sdcard as same location i given "location:-sdcard1/android/obb".
Now install the apk file in your phone.
Thats it.
Some times its not work then follow the method - 2
In this method u can follow first two steps of mehtod-1.
Then U can conform that the apk u installed in phone or sdcard.
It was install in your phone than move it to sdcard. After try the step3 of method-1.
Some times it not moves to sd card then u can extract file in location:- Sdcard0/android/obb Now its works.
That all guys.